Brian's Blog: Pray and Pray and Pray

On Sunday John Stacey asked me: How’s the transition going? And specifically he asked what was the process for the arrival of a new pastor.

I told him the transition team had only met twice so far. It is this super team. The first steps had involved brainstorming about many things (which I wrote the end of August), and one of those things was looking at what we believe we need as far as pastoral leadership here beginning July 1st.

Here’s the process:

  • We identify what we need in pastoral leadership and communicate this to the District Superintendent, Erin Martin.

  • She and Brian stay in communication about possible people who might best fill that need.

  • She will then bring that person selected and possibly a bunch of people to the cabinet (made up of all the district superintendents of Oregon-Idaho and Washington and our Bishop). This group discerns who would be the best person for our congregation. They all have the best heart for this unique congregation.

  • Then this person approved by them will be brought to meet with our leadership team (church council, and others can come as well.) Barring any difficulties after that meeting, he or she will be appointed to this congregation to begin July 1, at our annual conference in June.

Right now we are in the pray stage of this journey. So, pray and pray and pray for God to move in the heart of this person, put blessing upon this heart and call him or her to know that God is calling them to say “yes” to this opportunity. Pray also for all of us here - that as you move from my leadership to this new person you would have hearts ready as well. Recognize this person comes with his or her own set of gifts and yet with a clear call from God, and a heart to serve. This process has been repeated many times with other congregations in our conference, but at Westside this is all new. This will only be the second time there has been a pastoral change in our history. I was the first change from the founding pastor Dan Pitney. So, you all, you are unique.

What the transition team wants most is that you all could be readied for this transition. That means doing the work this year of remembering that cool stuff we have all experienced together, and then preparing to anticipate all that God has planned as the new person comes. God loves this church and is building us as a place to flood this community with love to impact homeless youth, change the destinies of our houseless neighbors and bring Jesus to our neighborhoods.