CrossOver to Life: A message from the Bishop

In the midst of an unsettled political and social climate, in the midst of denominational challenges and fears of what General Conference will decide in February 2019 about the future of The United Methodist Church, Bishop Elaine Stanovsky invites us to turn our eyes upon Jesus and trust in his promise of life, and that abundantly.  We are calling this a crossover year, and what we are crossing over to is Life!

“Jesus said that he came so people “could live life to the fullest.” - John 10:10 (CEB)

Come with me on a year of Crossing Over to LIFE, beginning with Advent, December 2, 2018. 

The journey begins as Brian McLaren leads us on a year-long exploration on the bible and faith in his book, We Make the Road by Walking. I hope that across the Greater Northwest many of you will gather in small groups for this study, but you can do it as an individual if a group isn’t possible for you. I hope you will invite people from across generations and cultures, and from outside as well as inside the church — maybe family members or friends who are curious-but-not-committed to Christian faith. I hope that together we can explore and discover new ways to respond to the challenges we face in our lives, in the Church, the nation and the world.

Each week, in 3-4 pages, McLaren invites us to revisit biblical principles for living. You’ll receive blog posts to expand your study, with reflections and prayers and a place for comments and conversation. As we journey together, we’ll add opportunities for conversation, further study and action.”

More information can be found at