Sharing for June 6

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Share from your week; where have you seen God at work?:

Gavin – I’m not known for a Green Thumb; I have huge bare sections in my yard - completely gone, Fir Tree killed, bare patches of hard ground. I prepped it and I got some grass seed that you spray on. I got some top soil and put it down. I sprayed on this grass seed early yesterday morning, and watered per the instructions. This morning there are these little tiny green beard stubble sticking up; I couldn’t believe it! The instructions say it takes 7 – 14 days to grow grass, and probably it does. But, what a God Sighting to see the little tiny green grass, that’s really great! So, my thumb’s getting greener.      

I am grateful that it is June 6th. Reminds me of events of 6/6/1944, “D” Day during WWII. And thank you for your service!

Pastor Brett - Especially in light of Memorial Day which happened this past week.

Krista – My God Sighting this week is just all of my friends that I have in my village around me. It’s been a really tough week, and I have lots of friends checking in on me every single day; texting me and saying – What are you up to now? I reply – nothing; they say – Come over and drink some wine. Or, what are you doing? Let’s go get a calzone; just hang out and try to get my mind off of everything that’s going on.     

Pastor Brett – Amen. Praise God for community, we are not meant to live life alone.

Sally – I didn’t even think of these as God Sightings, but when you make me think of them, Brett, I come up with them. So, a friend of mine, some of you know Sally D. & her husband Brian who sometimes come to our church; she is in a wheelchair with MS. She always tells me – Sally, every day there are angels in your life. You don’t even know it, but there are angels. This last week (this is first world junk…) as many of you know my brother passed away a little over a year ago and we are dealing with his estate. And it’s just complicated. Through the magic of technology we had a conference video with an attorney in West Virginia, an accountant in Dave’s firm for me; they had a language that I don’t speak, like fiduciary and letter of this... I’m like, do your magic, and through their expertise we’re going to get this estate settled and I’m so grateful.  Then, we get this thing in the mail from Comcast that we need to install a new router, because your old one isn’t that good. Dave and I struggled for an hour and a half. I’m screaming, pounding tables, I’m so angry that Comcast is telling us it’s so easy to do. Finally, we fail enough times, that Comcast calls us and says – Looks like you’re having trouble, we’re going to send a technician. A technician comes and it takes him an hour and a half inside in different rooms in our house and outside at the box. And I say – Why did you think we could install this? So, thank heavens for Comcast.  And then the final one is little Siena, granddaughter of our friend from next door, knocks on my front door and says – Sally, I have strawberries for you! I got them and I want you to have them, Sally!  And I say – Okay, there are angels in life every day! So, the point is we need to look for the angels that just drop into our hemisphere that we may not even think of as people saving our sanity and giving us joy.              

Bonnie – Sally, I think there was an angel in Westside at some point, because I picked up bags of things last week to take out to migrant camp. And in them was a package of little boy’s Superman or whatever underwear. My friend Jen who works with the domestic violence houses took them over to a family this week and a little boy looked at them and he threw off his pull up and put a pair of those big boy underwear on and he was just as happy as could be. She texted me and just wanted me to know that the mom was so thankful for those little big boy panties. So, someone at Westside donated those and they were very much appreciated!               

Michele – This week my brother in law had a stroke. The God Sighting particularly in this whole situation was that the day before he had been out with the caregiver, who comes in every once in a while; she had taken him out to lunch. It was the next day that he was sitting on the front porch and again the caregiver was there, my sister was in back working in her flower garden. All of a sudden the mail man came over and said – Mrs. Petroff, you’re needed out front. She goes out there and finds that her husband is bent over, but here’s the caregiver, here’s the mail man there. Just the fact we are so blessed that these people were there. That it didn’t happen with the caregiver out at some restaurant. Because of this, he was able to get to the ER within the window of time to get the medication so the stroke effects are not as severe. He got there in plenty of time. There has definitely been effects, but it was such a blessing! There were your angels, Sally, they were right there! And there was God right there. He was at home, he had immediate help and so, thank you Jesus!                 

Wendy F. – My God Sighting this week as many of us are in throes of end of school and for some of us graduation. And it’s been very encouraging to watch the transition from parents taking care of kids to kids taking care of each other. For those of us who are a little nervous about our seniors going off to college seeing these moments and knowing that God is taking care of them and their working together. And it’s all going to be good. Their future is bright and it’s all going to be okay.