Sharing for Dec 27

rainbow sunset.jpg

Sharing – Where have you seen God at work this week?

Kristin - Good Morning from Chester, Montana! We have fresh snow this morning!

Merry - I wish you all a warm and lovely week. Despite setbacks, the Farm Workers had a wonderful Christmas food and gifts distribution. More details coming soon in the newsletter.

Francie - We loved the video that Brett made for the kids, that we got to watch from home! Nice to have something even though the service was during naptime :)

Pastor Brett - For those of us who missed the Xmas eve service in the parking lot, here is the webpage where you can find the message and meditations surrounding the coming of the Messiah into the world:

Young Friends Moment: (candle making)

Merry - Did you know that the 12 days of Christmas song is a memory device in which each verse is a Biblical reference?

Pastor Brett - I didn't know that Merry! I thought it was super impractical to get birds from a true love!

Merry - The three French hens represent the gifts of the three wise men.

Michele – Not sure this is a God Sighting, but the Blazers won last night and they really needed a win!

Kat – I received the needle with 1st dose of Covid Vaccine on Tuesday, 12/22. So, I am around 60 % immune now! I will receive my second dose the week of January 8th – 12th.

Kari – The Christmas Eve Service was fantastic. It was good to see others in person, even with the masks on. My special word for 2021 is “Hope”!

Pastor Brett – Levi has learned to get around by rolling everywhere….He is 5 months old today! And Kyrie is 5 years, 5 months, and 2? days old.

(Note: Our apologies if your comment is missing; the service was not recorded due to the district video)