Brian's Blog: Good-bye


May 27, 2010 Jesus asked, “Is it okay if I do what I want with Westside?” I said yes, and since then Jesus has been working to help me take my hands off the controls and let him really do it. I think, together, we have let Jesus work. He has created a strong, discipling community of people making a difference in the world through their willing hearts, their bold service, their dynamic sacrifice. You guys are incredible. 

This has been an incredible 11 years of my life. You have been the church I longed to serve since I was called in February 1983 into pastoral ministry. You were the place I longed to be. A place where music was freed to serve God and bow the people down in experiences before God that nurtured the heart and changed the mind. This was the place. 

I first envisioned this kind of church when pastoring in San Jacinto back in 1992. It was on a rare stormy, rainy day when I went to see Sister Act at the Hemet Theater -- a place where they only showed one movie at a time -- and was swept away by the great joy, the music, the story of forgiveness and reconciliation between races, and the transformation of a life. For me, it said all that and more. From that I carried away the desire that music could carry away a congregation and make them into a vehicle of the hand of God. 

The next Sunday our 6-member choir sang. I couldn’t see how that dream could be fulfilled through them. The two men sang whatever they liked no matter the song. The women used to be good but could not hold the key. It was painful, truly. That day, John the choir director came and told me he quit. There was nothing he could do. Seriously, I didn’t blame him. Where was Whoopi when we needed her??? 

For years Laura Geiser had told me, “Tell me when it is time to quit and I will.” She’d been a fabulous singer in her day, but her voice was failing, truly. But she still didn’t appreciate it when I told her. Even with the end of the choir, I still held to the dream that music could be used by God for such transformation. 

Westside was still 17 years in my future, but when I arrived, and you were singing songs I had dreamed to hear a church sing with a band to support, I felt like I had arrived in heaven! I knew it was where I was called to be. Thank you Susan and Sandy for your great leadership and for the bands supporting you these years! What magnificent praise you have led us in and how frequently we have entered into the courtroom together as you led us into that Sovereign place. 

We have been together in this for these 11 years. It has taken work and commitment to grow together, hasn’t it!  Sometimes what feels like heaven is different than we might imagine! :-) We had to walk through some really difficult places. But God did what he wanted in my life and in yours. 

Thanks for letting me be your pastor, for trusting me, for entrusting your tears and hearts to my care, for being willing to walk with me in places where I felt less than confident. Thank you. It has been a growing season. The church council has been using Brené Brown’s book Dare to Lead for two years and have found in it great tools for developing our ability to work as a team in ministry. Thank you church council for your courage to lead! 

Thank you for your giving hearts, for your willingness to give of your time, talents, finances into the work of God’s church through Westside to see the Gospel reach people it hadn’t until you gave. Thank you for reaching into the lives of those who came in through the back door of counseling, through the side door of Family Promise and the migrant camps, through the front door of worship. Thank you for being available to invest your time for God in so many, many ways. Because of your giving hearts so many have experienced Jesus impacting their lives. 

I will miss you immensely, friends and family. I will look forward to connecting with you on future Walks to Emmaus or in other opportunities if you contact me. I cannot call you. But that does not mean that I don’t love you. For, you know I do. Love, Pastor Brian 

May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you, God the Holy Spirit give you strength.  May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard your body, save your soul, and bring you safely to his heavenly country; where he lives and reigns for ever and ever.  Amen.