Sharing for September 12

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Share from your week; where have you seen God at work?:

Pastor Brett – My oldest who is 6 started 1st grade this week. It was amazing to walk to the school and see all the other parents and kids walking in. It was like a joyful parade. I’m sure some parents like me were a little nervous but, to see the kids back together, it was just a moment where I thought – you know, life is going to go on, like it’s going on. I’m thankful for the Beaverton School District that basically said – It’s more important for the kids to be in person than at home. And I think that there’s some leadership in that, that we might follow. I was moved by several things this week but, that was probably at the top of my list.   

Wendy F. – Good morning everybody. I was reminded last week of my God Sighting which is a little old, it’s from the month of August. A very large God Moment in my life in August; coupled with Pastor Brett’s service last week on magic, it’s a perfect connection. So, in August I had some heart issues that sent me to the ER twice and I was in the Cardio Unit of St. Vincent’s twice. They thought they had fixed me the first time. What I had was Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia and it ended up being a version that was not fatal; if you’re going to have this fancy heart issue, it’s the best version you can have. My structure was great but, I had electrical signals that were going haywire. They first gave me medicine and sent me home and we crossed our fingers, we hoped that worked; it did not work. So, I went back in and this is the miracle, this is the God Moment – To me, hearts and doctors are unbelievable. You know already that they are unbelievable but, magnify that by 100 when you go through experiences like this. I think hearts are delicate and if you’re going to have a heart issue you are very likely to die; that is totally not the case! My God Moment was – They were able…I was having these sessions where my heart beat would go up to 170 – 200 bpm and it would go for hours on end. I was having that everyday. They did an ablation where they put a catheter up into my heart and zapped it in some places and I have been fixed since August 18th, not a single one, so, amazing God Moment to me. If that’s not God, I don’t know what is! Everyday to never again, working through the doctors and all of the technology that we have. So, saying that I am grateful, is such an understatement. Thank you, God! Team God.                      

Pastor Brett – Yes, Team God. Thank you Wendy and I’m very glad that you are here to give witness to that too. As I’m sure, many of us are.

Gavin – Good morning. In the race to get to church on time… You know, I’ve been accused probably jokingly of being a very cautious driver. A little squirrel shot out from the side street about as fast as a little squirrel could; I thought for sure he was a goner. I didn’t feel him if I hit him but, I doubled back to check it out and he was nowhere to be seen. So, I’m assuming I missed him. Why that’s a big deal – I still carry the guilt from graduation of high school day when my 410 cubic inch Mercury took out a squirrel and I had to double back and make sure he went to the happy hunting ground. You know, all that flashed before my eyes in a split second when… I thought for sure he was gone. But, God took care of the squirrel and He took care of me, so, I only have one guilt with a squirrel.      

Pastor Brett – Thank you, Gavin.

Martha – I do have something. As I listen to Gavin, I realize the fact we have good hearts in this church. Whether you are slowing down to 20 mph in school zone or slowing down because you’re afraid of hurting something, our hearts are still good. So, a prayer of thanksgiving, even though we have a squirrely Pastor at times, we do have good hearts in this church. Thank you.   

Pastor Brett – That’s awesome…