Sharing for Mar 28

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Share from your week; where have you seen God at work?:

Kari – I’ll start with the obvious one – my Beavers are in the Elite 8! Go Beavs! I did do the Labyrinth this past Wednesday and it was really a great experience; my feet stayed really warm. The team did a great job of putting it all together. You can either listen to people reading or you can read the sheets with scriptures yourself, if you want to do it that way. I really want to encourage you to go through it, and it took me probably about an hour. It was a great time to be alone in the sanctuary. So, if you get a chance to do it, I highly recommend it.   Also, seeing Levi smiling on the screen with Janelle!  

Pastor Brett – Thank you Kari, awesome. I also was able to go through it briefly with my son, Ky, yesterday. It was amazing because he was able to get some of the tactile things that Sandy set out. Particularly, the spice bag and he was able to smell that; we were talking about how they anointed Jesus’ body with spices. So, even something as small as that for a 5 year old was really meaningful to him.   Q: How do you get in to see that? A: You have to sign up online

Bonnie – This week I had lunch with one of the families that I kept in contact with from Family Promise. The mom is now one of the maintenance managers at 5 domestic violence centers, which is where she and her daughter live as well. She was telling me how she set up a food pantry, and a clothing pantry; a cleaning supplies pantry so they could come there if they can’t afford to buy the stuff. She said – I’m really in need of some hangers. And I thought that shouldn’t be too hard to get. After I had lunch with them, I went to the parsonage and helped Gerry do some cleaning; we opened all the closets and I brought home about 200 hangers. So, God put me in the right place at the right time. She’s very excited to come and get the hangers from me!      

Pastor Brett – Amen! Thank you Bonnie – God providing hangers. Thank you for standing in the middle of the supply chain – between those who need it and those who have it.

Jan – Yesterday I went over to help my sister with her quilting. I had a lot of stuff to take with me, and I had my keys in my hand; I set my purse apparently on the back of the car while I’m loading. So, I take off and didn’t realize my purse was still on the back of the car on top. I arrived at my sisters and said – Oh, I didn’t bring my purse; I didn’t think any more about it because I thought I had left it at home. Anyway, when I got home my husband says – Were you missing something? And he’s holding my purse! I said – I thought that I left it at home. He says – This lady came to the door. She said – She saw your car go by and she saw the purse drop off the car. She went out, took the purse, looked in it for the address, didn’t take one thing out, and brought it to the house. Now, that has got to be a God thing. So, I was just praising the Lord for that; I’m praising him still this morning. Because everything was in that purse. Anyway, Glory to God, He is good!    

Pastor Brett – Wow, a Good Samaritan at its finest returning the purse to Jan, it’s amazing.

Kevin – I got the privilege of volunteering at the Covid Vaccination event at the Hillsboro Stadium. Our shift vaccinated 562 people.

Pastor Brett – Awesome! That’s great!  

Paige – We had an amazing week at the beach with fabulous lifelong friends of ours. While I was at the beach, I got this email that says I was eligible for my vaccination. So, I used the link and I signed up & I got my slot for Easter Sunday. Then I got the email that says – Oops, we sent this out to 11,000 people that shouldn’t have got it. But, if you got in and got your appointment, we’re honoring those. So, I’m pretty sure I’m one of those oops, but I got my spot and I am going in Easter Sunday afternoon to get my vaccine! So, all kinds of good things this week.      

Pastor Brett – Wow, that’s awesome Paige! Thanks for sharing, that’s amazing! Lots of good things going on people of God!