I Will Give You Rest


On the 7th day of creation we read in scripture that God rested and hallowed that day as a day of rest.  God rested from his labors, yet, did not NEED rest. He rested by example, by design, and by calling upon us to realize that our lives were meant to be lived in rhythm not in frenetic activity.  Rest is part of the rhythm of every day, every week, every season. Creation knows how to do this. Seasons do this. Only people needed a command to “keep Sabbath,” a day of rest. Indeed in the bible we are told to strive for one thing, and one thing only and that was this, to “Enter God’s rest” (Hebrews 4:11). So is it any surprise that the Son of God, Jesus, coming to this people caught in the frenetic activity of this world would also come inviting us into rest, saying, “Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL GIVE YOU REST…”  (Matthew 11:29, emphasis mine). Sunday, Josh and Risa Hobson, being sent to give missionaries rest in Portugal, will be sharing about this very rest we need as well. Enter in this week in order to experience and participate anew in this REST set apart by God for you...