HomePlate Youth in His Own Words

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We share in his own words a story of how one youth found HomePlate and his way home to stability and health. Written by Dennis R. who came to us about a year ago….

“I guess I’ll begin at the time before I really met Homeplate…(1 year prior)…

I began my 2nd year of homelessness and was really struggling in my addiction. I’ve had nights where I spent it out in the rain with only a t-shirt and sweatpants. I maybe ate just some chips in a week.

One day I was just using the library as shelter and then I saw two people walk in with light green hiking backpacks and a smile on their faces. They noticed me and came straight over and offered me water and some healthy filling snacks.

And that day I stocked up on jerky! They were also so kind into pointing me in the direction where I could get warm clothes and a warm meal and other resources to benefit my future.

I later got a small job with HomePlate doing and expressing art. That taught me a valuable lesson about life and the right way to live. HomePlate and their positive community saved my life.

I now am living in a house with roommates working as a web designer for a tech company. I am able to pay monthly bills and provide for myself!

I really wouldn't be where I am today without the support of HomePlate and their amazing community! I’m closer to my family again. I am 70+ days sober and still counting! And I’ve learned how to express myself in a community. I have awesome friends now and good relationships with those around me. I have also learned how to be giving and supportive just like HomePlate!

Thank you for everything guys! Love you all!!

Dennis R.”

Thank you, Westsiders, for your love and support of this valuable ministry!