Sneak Peek for this Sunday


“Come Let Us Adore Him!” so the carol admonished us.  “Come, Adore Jesus!” That is the one overarching theme of Christmas, yet, my neighbor finished buying all her presents last Monday. We seek to please people, to behave aright, to not bring up the forbidden topics at the Thanksgiving table, to tolerate people we resoundly dislike, to put on a face of “holiday cheer,” when feeling anything but.  We are to find “How Great Our Joy,” yet, find instead a great deal of stress. With losses, deaths, challenges, hurts, and arguments coming back to mind from previous holidays, it is difficult to walk into this season joyfully. For some the darkness in the atmosphere, reminds them of the darkness around their hearts. Will there ever be joy again?  These realities pressed in upon us as a worship team and so in May we decided we needed to take a Slow Walk Through Advent, this year, a camino, if you will, in order to savor all the season was meant to offer.  We wanted to learn to release in order to more readily embrace Jesus all through November and December. So, truly, you are invited to come adore Him, day by day, moment by moment, tough stuff alongside the easy. Let’s discover together what is possible in this season.