Send-Off Slideshow

A slideshow honoring Pastor Brian’s time at Westside was shown during worship on Sunday. If you missed it, watch it here:

Online comments following the slideshow:

Pursingers – Brian…you are truly Blessed.   Love the “Old Jewish character” you played!

Sullivans – Beautiful! Love that show.  You are beautiful Brian. We’re all the better for having you in our lives. You’ve taught us to be unconditional in our love and most importantly to be the person God intended.  Brian gives us plenty of animation on his own.

Martha – Oh my gosh…Sorry Mom….I’m crying! We will miss you Brian! Know that you are loved!  Know that you aren’t gone from our lives.

Wendy F. – We love you so much!!  This is a pastor transition but not a friend transition!! We get to continue to be active friends and that is a blessing to all of us.

Amy F. – Once a Westside weeper, always a Westside weeper.  Brian you are such a blessing to us all.

Kari – Thank you Fred! And everyone who sent photos in!  Lots of love to you Brian! Friends Forever!

Stephanie – I needed to cry happy tears…Thank you Jesus for allowing us to know and share so many beautiful memories w/ Brian.

Bonnie – What Sally said.  I’ve learned so much from you Brian.

Francie – Maybe it’s better we’re all remote, imagine this going down AT Westside…..

Cosgroves – It’s been a journey of love!  Brian, It’s good to be present to yourself…xxxooo

Paige – This is harder because you are truly our friend and brother. We are beyond blessed by you.

Weavers – God Bless you, Brian. Thank you for sharing your wonderful spirit with our small church. God is with you always.

Carol – Brian, Thank you for Blessing our Westside Family & extended families for all these years!!! We love you and your family!!!

Merry – Thank you for being our friend and teaching us so much.

Pastor Brian – Thank you all for these precious gifts and wishes. Your hearts are beautiful and I love you a lot!