Sharing for May 16

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Share from your week; where have you seen God at work?:

Jan – I had an interesting experience this week. A couple of days ago, I was fooling with my phone out in front of Safeway and I wanted to add another person into my contacts. Anyway, I couldn’t do it and there was this young fellow out there putting out the fruit in front of Safeway. So, I thought - I bet that kid knows just how to do this. I went over to him and I said – Would you mind helping me put this contact in. He says – Oh sure, and he showed me exactly what to do. And so, I say to myself – Bingo! Say something! I said to him – You are so kind and I’d like to say thank you by giving you some good news. He said – Oh, okay. And I think – Open door! So, I told him – You know, you kind of remind me of my son and he’s in Heaven now. Do you know for sure that you are going to Heaven? He just looked at me like – she’s a fruitcake… but he wasn’t negative. I asked him – Do you go to church? He said – Well, not really. I said – Well, a lot of people go to church, they even pay tithes and they go every Sunday, but they don’t have the key to go to Heaven. Do you know what the key is? He looked at me really waiting for what I was going to say. I said – The key is Jesus, He is the whole ball of wax. You got Him, you got Heaven, and you got all you need! He just stood there and he was so open and so sweet. I said – I just wanted to pass that on to you as a thank you for helping me with my phone. Have a good day.  And that’s all I said.       

Pastor Brett – Amen, Amen! You know, sometimes we can over complicate it and we can worry about the words. I was encouraged by my wife, Janelle, what she said around Easter time, something that had come to her through her work. She said – You know, you just have to trust that the message is the power; you don’t have to have eloquence, you don’t have to have perfection…Just testifying that Jesus is risen from the dead and lives & reigns and wants to bring new life and healing to people.  And that is itself the Holy Spirit who enters those words, those simple words and can do mighty things through it. So, thank you Jan for sharing that.      

Bonnie – This week I asked for prayer for Angie, the daughter in law of my best friend in Iowa. She’s 40 years old, 3 months pregnant and was having bleeding. The doctor said it could possibly be the beginning of a miscarriage. So, I put it on our prayer chain and all of my friends were praying and her friends were praying… About two days later she went to the doctor again and everything seems to be fine. The bleeding has stopped, the baby’s heartbeat is strong; the baby has grown since the last time. So, we’re just praying that this truly is going to be a normal pregnancy.       

Pastor Brett – Thank you Bonnie. Boy, how scary would that be?