God Sightings 9/6

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Where have you seen God at work this past week?

Pastor Brett – This is the first time we have been really face to face with people without masks on. Our family quarantined for a couple of weeks & my cousins did the same. One of my God moments this week was watching my son, Kyrie be able to hug his cousins – who are 5 & 4. And just watching them being able to embrace each other without masks on was pretty special; just a reminder of how special it is to be able to hug one another. So, that was a special moment for me. Uplifted my soul.

Rich - Last night we went and had a socially distant dinner with 3 other couples. Some people we have traveled around the world with in the past. Whose lives are somewhat entwined with ours by way of the things that interest us in life; progression of our families & the ages of our children. And it was fantastic, really amazing to get some time in person with people again that just don’t live in my household. Not that I mind the people that live in my household but, I haven’t had that close connection to people outside very much over the last 6- 7 months. So, that was a true blessing.

Merry – It is wonderful to watch the season changing and to spend time looking at the sky every evening.

Kari –  I had a dream this past week that I was in an airport and I was looking around and people weren’t wearing masks. Then I realized that I didn’t have a mask on. I went in to use the restroom and when I came out I and I kept looking around and there were people not wearing masks. So God didn’t give me a time frame or anything like that but, it was just a reminder that this too shall pass and that we will be able to travel & move about the cabin at some point. So, it was kind of a cool dream.

Morgan – I went camping last weekend and got stung by a hornet for the first time...between my toes. But thank God I’m not allergic! Because we had no cell service or Epipen.