Looking for Jesus

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Have you ever wondered what impact your life might have? Like what you will leave behind?  

Have you wondered how and who might remember that you lived?  And what stories they might tell?  

This week as we journey past the birth to the first two who responded, we come to Simeon and Anna. Both elderly people living in Jerusalem. Simeon lives somewhere in the city, while Anna has lived from the time she was a young widow until now in the temple courts.  Both are devoted followers. See their story in Luke 2:21ff -- it is still being told.  

In these two we see the first people impacted by the birth of Jesus who were not among the Shepherds and Kings, but regular people living in Jerusalem.  Neither were of priestly stock, according to scripture, they were commoners with hearts for God. And Simeon we notice had a listening spirit for the Holy Spirit sent him to the temple that day.  Simeon so longed to see the Lord’s salvation, knowing he was awaiting a child born to be king, that he had prayed he would be allowed to see this one prior to death. And God, we notice in his tender mercy, granted this request.  

Simeon prayed, “Now let your servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation” (see Luke 2:29-31). Simeon knew -- this was the Messiah he held.  The Messiah. Simeon and Anna proclaimed that God had come down to earth to save the people who could not save themselves. God had come to bring light into darkness, hope into despair, joy into sorrow.  Life had arrived in this child declared Simeon and Anna.  

You have to love these precious people. What hearts!  What attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit BEFORE the Spirit had been poured out upon all flesh. I imagine this meant even more careful listening.  God had filled Elizabeth with the Spirit but the others who had taken part in the arrival of God had been addressed by angels. But these two, specifically Simeon, was told by the Spirit to “go.” And he went.  Anna, had an immediate experience with the Holy Spirit as she came upon the small family. They were worshipers. They were ready. For them -- Jesus was an answer to long seeking and waiting.   

Perhaps we too could desire not to be remembered for something great we had done, but instead be remembered for the manner in which we too recognized Jesus in this life.  For Simeon and Anna, it was the first arrival of the One who lives among us now by the action of the Holy Spirit who is at work all around us. Keep looking for Jesus. Be remembered for not only seeing him but putting Him on display in and through your life.  And don’t miss worship -- it’s when we get to practice this faith in community and we need each other.