

"The world feels high lonesome and heartbroken to me right now.  We've sorted ourselves into factions based on politics and ideology.  We've turned away from one another and toward blame and rage.  We're lonely and untethered.  And scared."  --Brene Brown

Money, influence, impact, growth, and consumption are all contributing factors to culture as we know it.  But is this really what makes us successful?  Is this all there is?  We don't think about our lives apart from material possessions, but we are spiritual beings, meant for depth, insight, and integrity.

There's another way of life.  Its perspective is eternal built on values that are human with qualities that are spiritual and timeless.  Its only law is love, and the leader demonstrated its validity by giving up His own life to ensure our freedom.

Find out what Jesus is all about.  He was the original counterculture.  in the midst of a broken and hurting world, His life gives life.  If you want to experience what He's all about, visit

"There is something great about your life, and God wants you to see it."  --Chris Overstreet

Grief Recovery Weekend


Are you, or is someone you love, grieving the end of a marriage from a death, divorce or permanent separation?  A Beginning Experience Weekend can help with the healing from such a loss.  The next opportunity to attend one will be the weekend of October  12-14, 2018, in Milwaukie, near Clackamas Town Center.  

The retreat consists of presentations by Beginning Experience team members, periods for private personal reflection, and sharing in small groups. The weekend begins on Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon. The cost of $195 includes lodging for 2 nights in a double room, meals and resource materials. Special arrangements may be made for payment, and partial scholarships are available. Single rooms are available for an additional $20.

Please contact Karen: 971-404-6512 or More information may be found on the website  


With the help of the founders of Marriage Encounter, Beginning Experience was created by Sister Josephine Stewart and others, in 1974. The Oregon team, active since 1978, provides 3 healing Weekends each year.  It is a peer ministry of people who have benefitted from this program and have received training to offer the opportunity to others.  It is included in the list of approved ministries of the U. S. Council of Catholic Bishops

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


If you were writing an important piece of literature that would be read by the elite of society in the highest echelons, and knew that women were devalued in the culture (treated as objects, property), children considered disposable by others and slaves viewed as inferiors, how would you write?  Would you choose your words carefully, diplomatically? Would you address first those who believed they ought to be addressed and gently challenge their societal beliefs? How might you write this challenge to the ways and times of life around you? When writing to those who had bowed their necks to Jesus in Ephesus, Paul was writing into a such a culture.  And yet, when writing about how these believers could actually live out their lives, decided, boldly to address what his readers would view as the lowest, the least, the silenced in their society first. Paul put women, children and slaves first in his epistle. Today we can read past this, ignoring his boldness, but then? Boldly Paul said women, children and slaves had voices, had the ability to choose, were equally valuable, equally worthy in this new Kingdom. Their lives mattered.  They made a difference. All bore allegiance to Jesus. Get a drift of that! Come to worship!

Lunch Bunch on Monday

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Sure, it's Labor Day, but you've gotta eat lunch! 

If you're in town, drop by at 11:30 on Monday, September 4.  If you happen to have some delicious dish to share, all the better. 

And it's okay if you've got twigs in your hair from gardening all morning.  We grow as a church community by spending time together.  So let's share lunch.

March for Family Promise

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Coming this Saturday!!

Support Family Promise by marching in the Beaverton Parade on Saturday, September 8.  

The Family Promise theme is to publicize their annual "Bed Race" fundraiser event and their gratefulness to volunteers, donors, sponsors and the City of Beaverton. 

Westsiders are invited to walk alongside the Family Promise "bed" float, wearing pajamas, robes, bunny slippers, etc.  The more, the merrier!  And the more we show our support of Family Promise to the Beaverton community.  

If you love a parade (and who doesn't?), contact Bonnie Becker to get all the details.

Online Directory


The directory is now available to those who attend Westside.  To protect everyone's privacy, you must have this link.  It's also available in the church emails every Tuesday and Friday. 

The directory is a pdf file, so you may print a color copy at home (about 14 pages).  Black and white booklet directories will be available soon if you're unable to print a copy.

If you need to make corrections, add or change a photo, or be added to the email distribution list, please contact the church office at

Join the Journey, 8.26.18

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Question:  How are you choosing to rely on the power of the Holy spirit to live a Holy life?


  1. In trusting the answers I receive from questions I pray daily
  2. By studying scripture
  3. Journaling and listening to what God says to me.
  4. Giving our future to his direction; hope to shine with his love
  5. I pray to my God and surrender to him in the morning, filling myself with his word.
  6. To allow me to be weak yet remain full of light.  To not allow my flesh to override my spirit, and speak life to the hurting while I'm hurting.  It's not about me, but his kingdom expanding

Website Changes

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Perhaps you've noticed -- our website has been evolving recently.  This week's big change is adding the church's Google calendar to the website.

This necessitated moving all events onto one internal calendar.  Leaders, please verify your events for accuracy and notify the church office of any updates to date, time, location, or description.  

The calendar should function in a monthly format for your laptop or desktop, and in a scrollable agenda format for smartphones and tablets.  You should be able to click on an event for more information or to add it to your Google calendar. 

If you encounter problems or errors with any page of the website, please email the church with full details.  Thanks!

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


Ephesians 5:15-33:  The word most often heard and repeated from this passage is not “be filled” or “make the most of time,” but “submit.”  Especially in verse 21. However that verb does not exist in verse 21. The verb is only in the previous verse; only in English translations is the verb repeated.  Yet women have been stomped on by preachers about “submitting to their husbands” which is a secondary clause. Still important to comprehend but best kept in context.  The primary context is submission to the spirit of God, the opening to receive THAT spirit and the overflow in speaking and acting in submission to one another. In marriage this looks like mutual submission and the husband’s role to “love his wife as Christ loved the church,” to which the idea is submitting, the idea of a posture to receive love makes sense.  How much do people brace against a concept because it is not clearly understood? Come look, come worship, come receive the fullness and overflow.

Local Need

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Friends, we've become aware of a need for girl's clothing, in sizes 3T, 8 and 12.  If you have gently used clothing in these sizes, or if you're out shopping this weekend, please prayerfully consider giving to this family in need.  Gift cards are appreciated as well.  Items may be brought to church on Sunday, or during office hours (Tue and Fri, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm).  Thanks for your generous support!

Baby Shower for Jen

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This Saturday, August 25, we will host a baby shower for one of our Family Promise members!  Jen is expecting a girl to be delivered any moment, so you may even meet baby Zoey at the shower.  There will be meat/cheese, buns, and beverages provided; please bring a salad to share.  The event begins at 11:00 am in the Lighthouse.  Gifts may be dropped off at the church on Friday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm if you're unable to attend the party.

Here are some things that Jen has requested:

  • Slippers for Jen
  • Side snap tshirt for newborn (until cord falls off) – 2
  • Onesies size newborn – 2 or 3
  • One piece stretchy sleeper
  • Receiving blankets – 2
  • Baby washcloths – pack of 5 or so
  • Small waterproof pad for under sheet - 2
  • Cotton bibs for spit-up or drool – 2
  • Nipple lotion
  • Baby thermometer
  • Diaper Geenie Inserts
  • Unscented baby laundry detergent
  • Baby nail clippers
  • Bulb syringe
  • Baby thermometer
  • Crib Sheets

Join the Journey, 8.19.18


Question:  Who comes to mind when you think of someone who shines with the light of the Lord?


  1. Tuukka, Ursula, Panda, Brownie, Tutter, Helen, Clovis, Julius, Jet, Reggie, Mr. Black, Marshal, Nannook, Minnie, Bart
  2. Pastor Brian
  3. Brian, Jan H, Yasmine, Abby
  4. Jan Harlan
  5. Jan Harlan, Pastor Brian
  6. Michele Wells
  7. Bonnie Becker, Mya, Brian Shimer
  8. Randy Loayza, Brian Shimer
  9. My friend, Lynette, who lives in California
  10. Fred - when he sings he shines God's Glory!
  11. I believe that to me, Josh Fedderly comes to mind
  12. Pastor Brian

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


Sit down:  You are loved. You are forgiven. You are seated with Jesus. You are chosen. You belong.

Walk:   Like God’s kid, imitate Jesus. Laugh.  Forgive. Love.

Children of light.

Raised from the dead.


Where are you needing to wake up, come to life?

Where is your heart more dead than alive?

Where do you seek to numb pain rather than letting Jesus into the pain?

Walk as a child of the light.  

WFWA Back-to-School Event

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Western Farm Workers Association (WFWA) will be hosting a Back-to-School clothing and school supply distribution on Friday and Saturday, August 24-25.  There are about 80 families this year, needing backpacks, every school supply you can think of from facial tissue to glue sticks, as well as gently used school clothing and shoes.

To make this a successful event, we need volunteers with cars to transport items from the WFWA office at 725 SW 7th Ave, Hillsboro, to Reedville Presbyterian church at 2785 SW 209th Ave, Beaverton, on Friday.  You will simply drive up, get your car loaded with items, and take them to Reedville, where they will be sorted and set-up for the following day.  Any time you can spare on Friday with transportation or set-up is greatly appreciated. 

On Saturday, backpacks will be filled with supplies and labelled, by volunteers like you, for each student according to the list given by their teacher. Families will come to Reedville Presbyterian to collect them, and take as much clothing and shoes as they can use.

We'll start at 10:00 am on both days. 

Please join us in helping our farm worker community. If you can donate a few items, please bring them to church this Sunday, or bring them with you when you volunteer. We would appreciate any help, during these two days, for as much time as you have. Call Merry Goldthorpe for more information, 503-690-1908. Thank you!

Highlights of the Dominican Republic

Our mission trip was too brief!  It was a life-changing experience for many of us, drawing upon faith, strengths, and abilities that we didn't know we possessed.  Our gratitude to everyone who helped make it possible, including those who donated the 1000 pounds of sports equipment and medicines that we were able to give to the school and community.  

We have already committed to a second trip in 2019, July 22-29.  We hope you can join us1