Join the Journey, 10.7.18

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Question: What might you hope your use of time says about your faith in Jesus?


  1. That people have a real intimacy with the Holy Spirit as they can see my relationship with Him as I reach out to people with God’s love through faith.

  2. That I care for those who don’t have a voice.

  3. That I am asking, seeking and knocking on a daily basis. That is my goal!

  4. Make lots of time available for spiritual holidays (Christmas.)

  5. Jesus is first in my time, my thoughts, my goals.

  6. That I have compassion.

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


What’s the meaning of church for you?  Why do you come? Why do you stay away? In this era, in this culture, at the time in life, what causes you to be involved or not be involved in the worshiping community of Westside?

Culturally we live in an era in which weekly church attendance is impossible for many -- between work, sports, family commitments, etc.,  it is outside the realm of possibility to get to a worship event. But what is the reason to try to come? This Sunday I witnessed one mother and daughter, standing side by side, the daughter stood on a chair, arms around one another, singing joyfully together and I thought:  that’s one reason: To worship as a family. There were dads with daughters, sisters together, friends. I saw people connecting, belonging to one another and to the Lord. Last week I saw several surround a couple who were in tough circumstances, praying, hugging, crying, loving. That’s church. That’s community.  The fact is: We need each other. To worship together, to stand with one another worshiping this One creator God is one way we get to recognize and experience that belonging. Come to worship: Belong.

Chris Overstreet at Westside


International speaker and evangelist, Chris Overstreet, will be at Westside on Sunday, October 21, for our morning worship services.

Founder of Compassion to Action, Chris was most recently at the Portland 2018 evangelism conference at the Oregon Convention Center, where thousands were saved and thousands more were healed on the streets of Portland. The event had more than 200 live streaming locations in over 130 cities. You can read testimonies at

Chris has a passion for souls and loves to equip the body of Christ to reach the lost. His passion for Jesus Christ is contagious, and it is common for miracles, salvations and life transformations to take place as a result of Chris living his life naturally supernaturally. Chris travels nationally and internationally, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ and equipping the Church to do the same.  

You’re invited to experience God’s power and grace through Chris on Sunday, October 21, at 8:15 or 10:00 am. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. This is a “not-to-be-missed” event!

Small Groups Meeting 10.7 - 10.13

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Lunch bunch

October 8, 11:30 am

Family Room


Westside Readers

Monday, 4:00

Jan Shoemaker’s House


Choir rehearsal

Monday, 7:30 pm


Bible Basics

Tuesday, 6:30 pm



Stewardship Team

Tuesday, 7:00 pm


Worship team

Wednesday, 7:00 am


Girls of Grace

Thursday 6:30 pm

Dianne Deits’ House


Music team rehearsal

Thursday, 6:30 pm


Life Group

Friday, 9:30 am

Deb Gabel’s house


Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, 8:30 am

Family Room


Reminder: Grief Recovery Weekend


Are you, or is someone you love, grieving the end of a marriage from a death, divorce or permanent separation?  A Beginning Experience Weekend can help with the healing from such a loss.  The next opportunity to attend one will be the weekend of October  12-14, 2018, in Milwaukie, near Clackamas Town Center.  

The retreat consists of presentations by Beginning Experience team members, periods for private personal reflection, and sharing in small groups. The weekend begins on Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon. The cost of $195 includes lodging for 2 nights in a double room, meals and resource materials. Special arrangements may be made for payment, and partial scholarships are available. Single rooms are available for an additional $20.

Please contact Karen: 971-404-6512 or More information may be found on the website  


With the help of the founders of Marriage Encounter, Beginning Experience was created by Sister Josephine Stewart and others, in 1974. The Oregon team, active since 1978, provides 3 healing Weekends each year.  It is a peer ministry of people who have benefitted from this program and have received training to offer the opportunity to others.  It is included in the list of approved ministries of the U. S. Council of Catholic Bishops

Heart2Heart Farms

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Don’t miss your last opportunity this year to get dirty for a good cause!

Wear your work clothes and gloves and join us on Saturday, October 13, from 9:00 - noon at Heart2Heart Farms. We will be assisting in whatever manner is needed — loading/unloading boxes, mucking stalls, feeding animals. All to assist the farm in providing healthy food for those in need.

The farm is located at 21555 SW Hells Canyon Rd in Sherwood. See you there!

On the Journey, 9.30.18

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Only one answer was received to this week’s question: What do you think your spending pattern tells about your faith?

Answer: I have far more than I need and I try to share what I have with others in some way everyday, but the needs are sometimes overwhelming and I often feel I can and should do more.

I think we can all identify with the desire to do more. That’s the beauty of being part of Westside Journey — no matter how much or how little you have, when you give to the church, your gift becomes part of something much larger: the global United Methodist Church.

You may not be aware of it, but you’re not just paying the electric bill at Westside Journey; you’re helping stamp out malaria. Providing help to the poor across America. Supporting women of color in their educational pursuits. All these and much more. Give a little — it makes a big difference.

For more information, visit


Beaver's Den at BHS


Here’s an active way to help homeless families and kids in the Beaverton area: the Beaver Den, a weekly “market” at Beaverton High School, that connects food and much more to those in need. They need volunteers on Fridays from 2:00 - 3:30 pm. To justify the cost of a background check, they request that you commit to one Friday a month.

Please contact BHS counselors Anne Bafaro ( or Stephanie Peters ( if you can help. More info at

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


Stewardship is a season when we recognize that all of us are stewards.  We really know this. All of us have something for which we are responsible, whether our locker at school, or our wardrobe, our car, our apartment, our house, or whatever else.  We are all stewards, managers, in charge of something. We are stewards, no denying. However we do not always live as if that’s the case, indeed, we expend much energy trying to make others responsible for our lives at whatever level.  But what if- rather than the innumerable points of blame we might place on another- we simply took responsibility. What if we said — I’m in charge of this life, of my spending, of my income, of my belongings, of my life and stopped blaming another for our lot.  What if we owned this foundational responsibility? And made choices based this reality. That decision would bring us straight into the world of the Macedonians and Corinthians. Paul was amazed, staggered by the Macedonians who in poverty gave exceedingly. He invited to Corinthians without excuse to live up to the promises they’d made.  That was it. A steward takes responsibility and decides accordingly. How about you?

Confirmation Class 2018-19

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Confirmation classes, for those in 6th grade and older, will begin October 14.  Classes will be held three Sundays a month, after the 10:00 worship service.  Lunch will be provided. The theme for this year's class is "God is Real."  With all the "truthiness" facing our kids these days, isn't this a powerful message for them?

Basic questions we all ask will be answered: “How does God fit into real life?” “How and why do we pray?” “Why do we go to church?” Our class environment will be open and encouraging to discussing the answers. Young people at this age need to have their questions and doubts addressed without judgment; we will endeavor together to explore what a personal walk with a personal God is all about.

Parents and mentors will meet with Pastor Brian this Sunday, September 30 from noon to 1:30 pm.  At this meeting, all questions can be answered and expectations clarified.

Gratitude and Promises

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Last Sunday, we were challenged to live faithfully within the sphere of influence that God has entrusted us with. During the morning worship service, Pastor Brian encouraged us to write a note of thanks, a word of praise, or a personal promise, and attach it to the wall for all to see. Here are some of the responses:

  • Blessed beyond measure, I will share the good news

  • Thank you for this people!

  • Thank you Lord! My Savior, Friend, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Holy One

  • Bella Hugs Love

  • Dear God, thank you for my family, friends, and our fluffy pets! :) Love, Sawyer

  • Thank you for all those living with compassion

  • Surrendered in serenity!!

  • I will not let the devil steal my joy

  • I am thankful for God

  • Dear God, thank you for Sawyer, Barrett, and Josh! Love, Wendy

  • I will be fearless for You!

  • I am thankful for my mommy —Ryder

We encourage you to add your voice in the comments!

Birthday Baskets for Homeless Teens


Beaverton High School has one of the highest rates of homeless teens in the state, with many assistance programs in place. One program is the Club Hope Birthday Basket. They discreetly provide a basket of basic supplies and fun gifts to a teen on their birthday. Among the items in the basket are:

  • Target gift cards

  • Socks

  • Fun school supplies

  • Healthy, non-perishable snacks (these are also used as emergency lunchtime alternatives)

  • Blankets

  • Gum/Candy

  • Make-up

If you would like to donate any or all of these items, please bring them to church beginning this Sunday.

Join the Journey, 9.23.18

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Question: What three words do you most want to describe your life?


  1. Faithful, understanding, loving

  2. Creative, generous, persistent, loving

  3. Humble, gentle, patient

  4. Fulfilling, thankful, kind, big heart

  5. A family man

  6. Praying, stepping forward but standing still, putting on my armor daily and waiting on my Lord

  7. Changed, blessed, servant

  8. Creative, loving, caring

  9. Peace, love, forgiveness

  10. Kind, honest, faithful

  11. Forgiven/blessed, loved/forgiving, grace/hope-filled

Laity Summit Reminder

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September 22, 2018
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Lake Oswego UM

Lunch will be provided!

As a district, we are committed to exploring new ways of connecting with each other because we know that together we can...
- explore bold new ways of being church in our communities
- make bold changes in the way we move as a people
- come together in conversations that deepen the relationships across congregations and neighborhoods

What to Expect:
- spiritual reflection
- sharing stories
- one-to-one conversation
- listening & reflecting
- defining next steps

We look forward to seeing you! Please register now!

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


Tychicus.  He is just mentioned at the close of Paul’s letter to the Christians living in Ephesus.  He is the one sent to carry the scroll to Ephesus and read it to the Ephesian Church and go around from house to house where the various congregations of the church met and share it.  But he was not only to share the letter, for Paul wrote in the concluding remarks that he would also give an update on how Paul was doing, in that Roman prison awaiting trial or death, and would, Paul said, “encourage you.”  So, what’s the big deal? Well, he was a real person, with real faith, who lived in a real time and place and was a “dear brother,” and a “faithful servant,” alongside Paul. Indeed, the words Paul had written could not have had impact without him, for someone had to take the message.  What might we learn about Paul by what he said of Tychicus? And how might we encounter our own lives in the work of this brother who carried the message to the people? Is there any encouragement here for us on how we are called to live out our own callings in this day? Seriously, there’s a message here.  Come get a dose of encouragement and the challenge to live faithfully in the sphere of influence God has granted you. Let’s worship.

Family Promise Drive-In Sleep Out

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Saturday, September 29, is the fundraiser event, Drive-In/Sleep Out, at Beaverton City Park.  Join the team from Family Promise, as they try to pack 200 parking spots with ‘car-camping adventurers’ who want to raise funds and awareness about child and family homelessness in Beaverton.  

Saturday’s festivities include live music, guest speakers, food, and an art show. There will be hands-on activities for the kids, too.  Don’t forget to bring a chair and a blanket since the night ends with a movie in the park for the whole family. Once the festivities end, event participants will spend the night sleeping in their vehicles in order to better understand the reality that so many families in our community are faced with on a daily basis.    

On Sunday morning the smell of ham and pancakes will fill the air as volunteers serve a hearty breakfast and lots of coffee to the brave adventurers who Drove-In and Slept Out.  

To find out how you can volunteer, donate, and sign up for the Drive-In Sleep Out, visit their website at   




Our friends at the Apostolic Assembly will be making and selling tamales on October 6. Two flavors are available: chicken and cheese with jalapeno. They cost $15 per dozen. You must order in advance by emailing or texting 971.207.1743. Remember to send your name, flavor and quantity. Yum!