Join the Journey, 11.4.18

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Question: Is there anything you find particularly difficult with the upcoming holidays?


  1. Memories of Christmases gone by with my parents.

  2. We will be traveling as a family to Florida - not having too high of expectations for our time together.

  3. What gift for the grandkids.

  4. Loss, expectations.

  5. I am alone / no family but I have my church family.

  6. Finding time to be calm and reflect on the real reason for the season.

  7. Setting a date for a big celebration and then worrying about staying well to carry it out.

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


“Come Let Us Adore Him!” so the carol admonished us.  “Come, Adore Jesus!” That is the one overarching theme of Christmas, yet, my neighbor finished buying all her presents last Monday. We seek to please people, to behave aright, to not bring up the forbidden topics at the Thanksgiving table, to tolerate people we resoundly dislike, to put on a face of “holiday cheer,” when feeling anything but.  We are to find “How Great Our Joy,” yet, find instead a great deal of stress. With losses, deaths, challenges, hurts, and arguments coming back to mind from previous holidays, it is difficult to walk into this season joyfully. For some the darkness in the atmosphere, reminds them of the darkness around their hearts. Will there ever be joy again?  These realities pressed in upon us as a worship team and so in May we decided we needed to take a Slow Walk Through Advent, this year, a camino, if you will, in order to savor all the season was meant to offer.  We wanted to learn to release in order to more readily embrace Jesus all through November and December. So, truly, you are invited to come adore Him, day by day, moment by moment, tough stuff alongside the easy. Let’s discover together what is possible in this season.   

EPIK Journey


Here is another opportunity to support EPIK (Everyman Protecting Innocent Kids; our “spare change” ministry on Sunday mornings.)

They are holding an EPIK Journey, a fundraising walk on Saturday, December 1. You may participate by sponsoring a walker — or walking yourself! The goal is to raise $50,000 or more to continue their work of fighting trafficking.

A friend of Pastor Brian’s is walking and would gladly assist those who would like to join the walk. Learn more about the Journey and find Bradley’s information here.

Food Drive for WFWA

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Thank you for your support of the Western Farm Workers Association over the summer! With your help, we supplied hot meals, additional food, clothing, and school supplies.

Now we ask your assistance in stocking pantries for the holidays. The most requested items are dried pinto beans, white rice, and vegetable oil. Cash is also appreciated, to buy turkeys. Please bring non-perishables to church by November 18; cash or checks should be marked WFWA.

Questions or the desire to help with perishable foods such as fruit and meat? Contact Merry Goldthorpe.

Survivor Day

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Survivor Day is the one day a year when people affected by suicide loss gather around the world at events in their local communities to find comfort and gain understanding as they share stories of healing and hope.

This year the event is on Saturday, November 17. Our local gathering will be held from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm at West Portland UMC, 4729 SW Taylor’s Ferry Road.

There will be breakout groups for those in the green and silver bead families. Childcare is available with advance notice. To register or for more information, please visit

Family Promise Sign-up

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We will be hosting the homeless families from Family Promise again the week of November 25 - December 2 in our Lighthouse.

Please look at your calendars and sign up for the dates that work for you.  If you make a commitment to serve, please make it a priority on your calendar.  We are mandated to have 2 people to attend each part of the evening by the Safe Sanctuaries policy. 

Sign-up is now easier than ever at  Bonnie can see what slots have been filled and what is still open, and you can see who is signed up for the slots too.  There is no registration to use this system, just enter your email.  You will get an email reminder as well.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on 
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on and they will NOT share your information) 
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! 

Thank you for making this an easy, enjoyable week for our residents!

Potluck and Movie

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Next Friday, November 9, let’s kick off our Advent activities with a potluck supper and a film. Bring a dish to share at 6:00 pm in the Lighthouse. After we eat, we’ll watch “War Room,” an exciting, inspirational film on learning to fight life’s battles on our knees. Appropriate for all ages.

Save Your Refundables!


BottleDrop is having a Holiday Giving Contest from November 8 - December 9. They will match a percentage of the amount that Family Promise raises by recycling refundable bottles and cans.

$100 - 499: 10% matched

$500 - 999: 20% matched

$1000 +: 30% matched

With your help, Family Promise can easily reach the $500 milestone - the difference between a 10% match ($50 or less) and a 20% match ($100 or more!) Please bring your refundable bottles and cans to the church by December 7 or drop them at the Family Promise Day Center. Thank you for your support!

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


What an experience we have had this month focusing on what it means to be stewards!  We heard testimony about what it means to be stewards of the gifts God has given us by Debbie Gable.  Kevin Cosgrove shared how we might learn more about stewarding our own hearts, and developing a heart more like God.  And Chris Brehmer challenged how we think about our finances -- to give not just a tithe of our take home, but a tithe of our before-tax income, and even give more to God than we spend on ourselves!  Now that is a radical goal! What challenges! We have heard of sharing of our time and the giving of our service and the challenge to step up in our giving. Then we experienced a move of God last Sunday that was nothing shy of miraculous. So we arrive at Extravagant Generosity Sunday to fill out our pledge cards to say how we will give, share of our time, and serve God this next year, beginning January 1st.  So, pray, and come on Sunday prepared to say “this is how we will be giving in these areas.” You can anticipate a great Sunday as we welcome the Inspiring Generosity Queen Cesie Delve Scheuermann to be with us. Plan to Come! Plan to stay for a Soup Feast afterward! Celebrate!

Action Assembly Charge Conference


This year's annual meeting is different, exciting, and engaging in ways that are new!

You may be familiar with the term “Charge Conference,” a sometimes dull but necessary annual meeting for the church body.

This year, it’s a whole new game. We’re gathering at Christ United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 4, with several other UMCs in our area for all the “re-’s” — renewal, revitalization, and response — plus the bonus of looking forward to what’s next in our church and in our district.

Make sure your leadership team and active members attend!

We need a head count, so please, please, please, go to today and enter your email address and click a box or two. It’s that easy. Or contact the church office at or 503.643.8070. But do it today! Thanks and we’ll see you there!

Join the Journey, 10.21.18

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Question: What has the Holy Spirit been speaking into your life this week?


  1. To be still and ask to believe that he will work through my issues.

  2. That Westside and all of us here are a Lighthouse and that we will do great things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. There are lots of people in need of help and we should be constantly spending our time as a church helping them. Be messy and do great work!

  4. To seek God’s word daily.

  5. The Holy Spirit helped me to handle the suicide of a patient at work.

Latest Needs from the Beaver's Den at BHS


The Beaver’s Den at Beaverton High School connects homeless teens and their families with food and other necessities. They also keep snacks available for those who are hungry.

Here’s an updated list of some items they could use:
potatoes, fruit, PB&J, falafel, white beans, olives, vegetable oil, Tide pods, individual hummus cups, rice, pasta, tuna, fresh fruit.
And for the Club Hope Birthday Baskets: gift cards, gift bags, small gifts, candy/treats

You may bring these items to the church.

More info at, including how to donate supplies through Amazon! Thanks for your support of this effort.

Extravagant Generosity Sunday

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As you come to worship this Sunday, October 28, be open through prayer, listening and a willingness to follow God's direction, to making your pledge for 2019.

The chart above shows different levels of giving and how many families give at each level. Wendy Fedderly walked through it with us on Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago. We have moved as a congregation from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance in our finances.  She noted that having been part of the congregation since 2002, this is remarkable.  She remembered many, many years when there were pleas for finances in order to basically keep the lights on, but now we are speaking in terms of how God is calling us into ministry, while keeping current with all our bills.  

In light of this, she reviewed the giving units (“families”) and noted that we had moved in 2017 from 44 giving units to 61 giving units in 2018.  This is a large jump.  The largest single increase occurred in the lowest of the levels (around $5 a week) moving from 6 to 16 giving units.  The thing that impressed her was that this is a significant entry point and leads to more giving.  

In the top three buckets we moved from 13 to 16 units, still impactful.  

She encouraged us as a congregation to consider this a call to keep contributing and seeing what God is doing through us as we give with the many ministries of our congregation. 

Kari Suppes reviewed the "Gifts that Keep on Giving" opportunities, which included both areas to serve within the congregation's worship, and many opportunities outside of worship in weekly groups, outreaches, and opportunities to "hit the streets" for Jesus.  She noted how no matter how we invest our time for Jesus during the week or on Sunday, each action is actually a "gift that will keep on giving" because of how many more people that action will impact.  

So, consider what you can give of your time, finances, and gifts. If you are open to God’s direction, no matter how small or how large your contribution is, it will make a difference.

Northwest Prayer Summit, October 25-27

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The Northwest Prayer Summit is a regional gathering of the Body of Christ to join together as one voice, to fulfill the mandate to pray and intercede for our region. 

So, join us at the Northwest Prayer Summit, to exalt Jesus Christ as LORD over our community, region, and nation. As a unified Body of Christ, let's engage in strategic transformational prayer and by the grace of GOD usher in breakthrough!

Join Chris Overstreet, Daniel Kolenda, Mahesh Chavda, Chuck Pierce, James Goll and Aaron Winter for this year's Northwest Prayer Summit. Tickets and more information are available at

New Song Community Church
2511 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Portland, OR 97212