Order Scrip this Sunday


There will be a special edition of our Scrip program this Sunday, December 2. This will allow you to order gift cards for your personal Christmas gifts but also for the homeless teens at Beaverton High School, and for the seven families that we have adopted for the holiday.

Our adopted families are also requesting Walmart, Target, and Fred Meyer cards for their daily needs. All of these are available through our Scrip program.

If you’ve never purchased scrip, it’s simple: you pay full price for the card, the recipient gets full value for the card. The church receives a percentage from the retailer. How sweet is that?

So look for us this Sunday and make your shopping easier!

EPIK Support

We will continue our support through December, of the important work EPIK is doing. Here’s a video with more information:

A word from EPIK founder Tom Perez

When I started The EPIK Project in 2011, I only knew two things: 1) that men created the demand that drives sex trafficking, and 2) that Better Men could help end that demand. Today, I know one more thing: there are Better Men everywhere and they’re called EPIK volunteers. Though we’re small in number,  the impact these men are having has been felt across the anti-trafficking movement. In a few short years, EPIK has become a national leader with strong local roots in 11 cities from Portland to Detroit to San Diego to Anchorage and beyond. Thank you for being our champion in the past, and no matter the size of your investment, I can tell you that its making a difference!

On Saturday December 1 in Portland, Oregon EPIK is hosting our third annual EPIK Journey. This is one of our main annual fundraisers, but it is also a unique and immersive educational experience where we literally walk in the shoes of our friends who have been trafficked on the streets of our communities. I wanted to personally invite you to join us either as an individual fundraiser yourself, or by donating directly to the event. Our goal this year is to raise $50,000. These funds go towards staff and operational support for our nearly 200 trained volunteers in Portland and across the country. Would you help us get there? Recently we received a $10,000 matching grant.! We’re $3,200 away from receiving that matching pledge which will bring us to 40% of our total goal.  But we’ll need a big push in the next week and a half to hit 100% . We can’t get there without your help.

EPIK is working for exponential impact: disrupting the market systems that facilitate sex trafficking. Attacking the roots of trafficking. And calling men to reach their full potential as humans who (like women) bear the image of God. We have heard of many stories of former pimps and johns, who leave trafficking and leverage their influence in their former networks to challenge, resist, and confront the system at a direct level.

This work is far from over, so as #givingtuesday approaches, will you partner once again with us at The EPIK Project?

Thank you again,
Tom Perez

3rd Annual EPIK Journey


Dec. 1, 2018 10a-2p
Walk from NE 82nd Ave and Sandy to SE 82nd and Stark, Portland, OR
Lunch provided at Flying Pie Pizzeria

( rain or shine to stand in solidarity )


We're effective. In 2018 EPIK added 3 more cities to our roster of men engaged in ending demand bringing the total to 11 cites and roughly 150 active volunteers, blew past our goal of reaching 100,000 purchase attempts (currently 122,000), and continue to innovate disruptive techniques.

We're asking the right questions. A couple weeks ago we hosted our first ever Leadership Huddle and 50 men from across the country, representing every volunteer city, gathered in Portland to ask the question, "In a culture that exploits the vulnerable, what is my part in creating change." Led by sage women who have deeply informed EPIK, we had a weekend that was described as "one of the most unique leadership experiences in 40 years." Our men are humble, ready to do what it takes, and deeply committed to the long game of culture change. We love our volunteers and funds raised help us to serve them better.

We're trusted. EPIK is humbled by many invitations to speak, teach, and help lead in the fight against trafficking.

So we need your help to raise as much funds as possible to continue engaging men in the solution of ending demand! Please join us!


Tom and Justin

Update: Christmas for WFWA Workers

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Our friends in the Western Farm Workers Association would appreciate your assistance this Christmas season. While all the children would love toys, please also consider warm clothes, jackets and blankets. Some families were unable to keep the heat on in their homes last winter.

When shopping, please keep teens in mind as well. They are often overlooked.

Donations to the WFWA members need to be returned to the church by December 9 for the party on the 15th. Volunteers are also needed on the 15th for food prep, set up, serving, Santa Room, children's games and crafts, and clean up. If you have any questions, please contact Merry Goldthorpe or the WFWA Office, 503.681.9399. Thank you!

Devotional Study Begins

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Westsiders, along with other churches in the Greater NW, are invited to join Bishop Elaine Stanovsky in a year-long devotional study based on Brian McLaren’s book, “We Make the Road by Walking.” On December 2 we will begin Part 2 of the study, so that the weeks align with the church calendar.

Here’s what Amazon says:

This book offers everything you need to explore what a difference an honest, living, growing faith can make in our world today.

Each weekly reading can be read aloud in 10 to 12 minutes and offers a simple curriculum of insightful reflections and transformative practices. Reimagine what it means to live joyfully and responsibly in today's world as agents of God's justice, creativity, and peace.

Join the Journey, 11.25.18

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Question: For what “awkward” blessing are you ready to say “thank you”?


  1. The “collection” of family - all shapes, sizes and ages. And personalities.

  2. For my saying okay I will accept this.

  3. Being a young, unwed mother. What a TRUE blessing he has been to me and those who know him.

  4. The downtime feature on my phone restricts when I can use it, but it also helps me sleep.

  5. Jenna’s honesty in speaking openly re: her decision to accept Wayne so she and I can have a positive relationship. She said, “It’s not God, but me that influenced this decision.” I was speechless.

  6. That I may have children.

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


When I met her she was 47, and angry, so angry. This woman had this 2 year old boy, a child who came as a surprise pregnancy when she was 45 and this notion was not well received by her heart. She as mad, still. She didn’t want him and had plotted out the next years and realized she will be turning 63 when he turned 18, and that felt ancient, like a waste, like a loss of life to her. I was a young pastor, and she my parishioner and we had many conversations about this surprise blessing, this precious rambunctious child. All those terms much more positive than she would be likely to use. How might you respond to a surprising change? The call to raise a grandchild? A surprising illness that changed everything? The loss of a loved one? A fight in a public place that left your gut feeling torn up? How did you respond? This Sunday we are walking with Elizabeth, and we can still choose to be like her as we respond to change. We can choose life, thanksgiving, hope and joy. In her we meet another response to the changes life can toss our direction. What might that look like if it was your life? All of us have stories of the season that have left us stretched. How have these stories encountered thanksgiving from your heart?

"Inside Out" Tomorrow!

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Don’t forget! We’re watching this instant classic from Pixar tomorrow night. Find yourself in one or more of the characters - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness - as we walk through the Advent season.

Our Family Promise families will be invited to join us, so we hope that you will attend. It will be an oasis of enjoyment in the midst of the hustle and bustle.

See you at 6:30 pm on December 1 in the sanctuary!

Christmas for WFWA Workers

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Our friends in the Western Farm Workers Association would appreciate your assistance this Christmas season. While all the children would love toys, please also consider warm clothes, jackets and blankets. Some families were unable to keep the heat on in their homes last winter.

When shopping, please keep teens in mind as well. They are often overlooked.

Donations to the WFWA members need to be returned to the church by December 16. If you have any questions, please contact Merry Goldthorpe. Thank you!

Join the Journey, 11.25.18


Question: What dream or prayer would you like to infuse with faith?


  1. World peace and the end of hunger and poverty.

  2. Peace and healing in the lives of our children and a commitment to follow Christ in a deeper and fulfilling walk.

  3. The plans and vision God has for me.

  4. That my daughter, Devon, and Alex will come to know how wonderful Wayne is and that their relationship with him does not diminish their relationship with Mel, Devon’s late father.

  5. All of them! That I would have expectation that they will be answered and fulfilled.

  6. That I would continue to grow in the Lord and He would bless me with an unconditional love.

  7. My son, Sawyer, finding his passion and using it to have a happy, fulfilling life.

  8. World peace.

HomePlate Update

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I want to say thank you to the church and to everyone who has engaged with HomePlate so far. We had over 20 people trained from our congregation to help with Home Plate, again, that is amazing! It says to me, God is in this!

We had our trial night on November 14. We had a great meal planned with baked potatoes and two kinds of chili and all other kinds of toppings and a salad and brownies. Through our tent ministry that Amy Fiederowicz runs, we had a ton of stuff that they could take with them for food later. Thank you Amy!

This first trial night we had four kids show up. They needed to be there. We enjoyed a movie, eating and some brief conversations. It was the start!

December 5th  there will be a vision team meeting at HomePlate regarding what the kids might want for their Wednesday night gathering. After this we will know whether or not they would like to continue with Wednesday nights at Westside! Once we know this, and if we begin a weekly outreach to them, then everyone who signed up to be trained, and those of you have not yet been trained, will all have a place to serve!

Last week I was speaking with Tom Perez who founded EPIK and he said we are now on the front lines to stop trafficking. More than 80% of the youth who are trafficked are either homeless or in the foster care system. 

What happens is someone offering what looks like a real relationship, a real friendship, comes into their lives but is actually presenting a front with which to traffic them.  Tom told me a real relationship has such power to keep such kids from falling prey to traffickers.

In addition, I’m reading a recent Brené Brown book on leadership and she writes, "If people have even one place in their lives where they can take off their armor and be themselves, it can change the trajectory for their lives."  Again - HomePlate is where we have the opportunity of creating a place of belonging for these youth to do just that.  Two of the youth who came on Wednesday night took a nap — so they felt safe for certain.  

Thank you for supporting this outreach.  There are ways to contribute to the Christmas store if you’re able. You can find a wishlist on the table in the lobby.

—Pastor Brian

Special Visitors from Paraguay


Great news! Tim and Margarita Revett, our friends in Paraguay, will be visiting Westside with their children on Sunday, December 2. They will be at the 8:15 service only, so set your alarm clock accordingly.

Hear about their adventures (and misadventures) with the communities they engage. Learn more about their ministries there, teaching and serving. And marvel at how much taller Ana, Antoine, and Gabrielli have gotten!

This is a rare opportunity. Hope you can attend!

Sneak Peek for this Sunday


An angelic visitation. A dream fulfilled. Zechariah has the most amazing encounter with a messenger from God. He and his wife Elizabeth are going to finally have a baby after all these years and prayers. He’s elated right? Ready to shout the news from the rooftops. No. He questions. He doubts. He is afraid. We’re too old he quips. Fear and doubt have silenced his faith. Now, too, his speech is silenced as well. Until the proof comes. Until the baby is born. When faith is no longer required.

What prayers have you prayed but stopped listening for answers? What dreams have you set aside, doubting they could come to pass? How has doubt or fear marred the expected outcome of a situation or relationship in your life?

Find grace and strength in the story of Zechariah as we walk this slow path toward advent.

The Gifts That Keep on Giving


Last month we were invited to make our commitment to God and ourselves with our pledge of time, service, and/or finances. If you have not returned your pledge card yet, please do so. If you need another card, they are available at church or here.

Even if circumstances prevent financial support, you can still commit to pray, assist on Sunday mornings, or serve in an outreach ministry.

We encourage everyone to return a pledge card. It marks an intentional desire to grow spiritually in 2019 — and that’s something from which everyone benefits.